At ZFX, we are first and foremost a flying company, with a focus on the artistic part of the effect. But when automation is the right tool for the job, we’re pretty damn good at it. Our scenic automation systems make flying easy and are trusted by productions around the world.

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The ZFX team uses our eZ-Hoist line of products. Hoists, winches, automation controls and more – all designed and manufactured in-house by our American craftsmen. ZFX’s eZ-Hoist products, training and on-site services will get your set moving.
Ez-Hoist Products
Fabrication Capabilities
When your vision is beyond what our stock products offer, our in-house fabrication shop can produce just about anything you can imagine. We can design, build, wire, program and test custom hoists in our U.S. manufacturing facility, with a turnaround time that’s unbeatable.